Man Gets 15 to Life For Killing Wife Then Propping Her Up On the Couch.

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The incident happened in 2011. William Wallace killed Za'Zell Preston - the couple had a newborn son and Za'Zell had two daughters. According to reports there was a lot of domestic violence that went on in the household and on Christmas day it was tragic Za'Zell's oldest daugther said that William pushed her Mom into a glass table, he then took her to the bathroom to "clean her up" and when he dropped her, her head on the side of the toilet. Then William propped her on the couch and the kids opened Christmas presents.

Saidell Preston, said, “He beat and tortured my daughter and at the same time mentally assassinated her children. He showed her no mercy. Let’s show him no mercy.”

Well on Friday William was sentenced to 15 years to life.

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