Twitter Bans People Wishing Death on Trump & The Squad Has Bone To Pick!

The group of four congressional women known as The Squad has taken issue with Twitter's latest move.

Twitter has stated, users who call for the death of the president will have their accounts removed or put into a read-only mode.. AOC of New York, Rashia Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesotaa and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts want to know where was the concern for their lives when they are repeatedly receiving death threats?

Also stated in their rules, content that wishes, hopes or expresses a desire for death, serious bodily harm or fatal disease against an individual is against our rules.

Many, including the Congresswomen, feel Twitter has done little to protect them and the rules show a double standard in its application of rules.

Does social media need to do more against bullying and threats of bodily harm against individuals?


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