LeBron James Responds To Kyrie Saying The NBA Season Shouldn't Come Back!

Los Angeles Lakers v Brooklyn Nets

So as you know - the NBA season is suppose to start back up at the end of July in Orlando - we’ve heard for awhile now that a lot of players were eager to get back to playing!

Well now Kyrie Irving is being very vocal about not supporting the season starting back up - because of what is going on in the country right now! He believes it will distract people and detour them from being active in making a change.

There was a Zoom Conference call with about 80 NBA and WNBA players, and the call originally was how can players help combat “Systemic racism”

Apparently there were several players who are super interested in sitting out for the rest of the season.

LeBron James doesn’t agree with Kyrie Irving! He said he believes playing in Orlando won’t deter his ability to continue inspiring change. He wants to keep making his mark off the court! He wants to play basketball. He believes he can do both at the same time!

Dwight Howard who plays for the Lakers and would technically be going Orlando - supports Kyrie He released a statement and

"I agree with Kyrie. Basketball, or entertainment period, isn't needed at this moment, and will only be a distraction, Sure it might not distract us the players, but we have resources at hand majority of our community don't have. And the smallest distraction for them, can start a trickle down effect that may never stop. Especially the way the climate is now. I would love nothing more than to win my very first NBA Championship. But the unity of My People would be an even bigger Championship, that's just (too) beautiful to pass up. What better time than now for us to be focusing on our families."

Over the next few weeks, it will be interesting to see how this all progresses. The NBA seems to be keen on continuing the season no matter what although if too many players boycott, a return will be impossible.

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