It's Finally Here! Watch the Trailer for "In The Heights" Right now!

Excuse me while I go cry!!!! WOW!!! I literally have been waiting for for this movie for YEARS! Over ten years ago a friend sent me the soundtrack to the musical and I fell in love! See, my Dad's side of the family is from New York and before that they came from Puerto Rico! My Dad taught my sister and I to be proud of being Puerto Rico and when I found out the creator was Puerto Rican I freaked! Since then I've been a HUGE Lin-Manuel Miranda fan and have seen all his Musicals.

But "In the Heights" by far is my FAVORITE musical! A few years after the musical came out there were rumors that the musical was going to be made into a movie and that Jennifer Lopez was going to produce it and have one of the roles! Then for some reason the project got put on pause! NOWWWWW It's finally here!

The movie stars Anthony Ramos, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Dascha Polanco, Jimmy Smits, Corey Hawkins, Melissa Brrera, Olga Merediz and there will be a special cameo from Marc Anthony!

I know Musicals aren't everyones thing, but this movie celebrates so much about love, life and the power of your voice! PLUS the cast is filled with so many amazing talented Latino actors!

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