Former Police Officer Who Shot Rayshard Brooks Is Released From Jail!

Yesterday the former police officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy's parking lot last month has now been released from jail!

Garrett Rolfe had a hearing yesterday where he was granted bond - $500,000! He left the Gwinnett County jail early this morning.

Judge Jane C. Barwick reasoned that Rolfe is not a danger to the community or a flight risk. Rolfe will have to wear an ankle monitor, will not be able to have any kind of weapon and must surrender his passport.

During the hearing Tomika Miller, Brooks' widow, asked the judge to deny Rolfe's release.

"[Officer Rolfe] has already shown he's a danger to the community. The way he stood over my husband and kicked his body, and I can only imagine what he felt and how scared he was at that time," Miller said. "Killing him wasn't enough. They stood there when something could've been done to save him."

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